How Does TCP Acceleration Work?

Are you aware of the role played by TCP? There has been a significant increase in traffic on the data network. Operators are now thinking of effective ways for maximization of network capacity without making any compromise on the experience of end users. It is TCP optimization, which makes sure that the resources in the network are used efficiently. These techniques assist in the dramatic improvement of network efficiency. Multiple TCP connections may often lead to inefficiency. It is an accelerator that addresses the matters raised by TCP. (1)

Data transmission

The transmission control protocol helps in carrying on significant internet operations. It is this protocol that ensures that the data from the sender to the receiver is obtained in the proper sequence. The TCP also looks into the aspects of congestion control. It plays a vital role in the controlling of the speed of data transmission. Use TCP acceleration techniques for increasing throughput without making any modification in the end system.

  • Realistic expectation

You will be surprised to know that TCP has not yet reached its full potential. You have just installed a high-speed link among the various data centers. You are, however, in for a rude surprise when you see that the file transfers are taking place at a slow pace. Before you place a call to the experts to find out appropriate solutions, you should make an independent study. Make your calculations based on realistic assumptions. Attain better throughput with TCP acceleration.

  • Acceleration technique

When you are using TCP for transferring your data, then the crucial pointers which should be taken into account are the window size of TCP and overall latency. Once you have knowledge about the window size and round trip latency, you will be able to calculate the throughput of data transfer. When you are talking about wan optimization, then two related tasks are involved. One of the functions is the maximization of performance of applications. The other task involves minimization of cost of wan. The window size limitation can be overcome with acceleration techniques.

  • Monitoring packet loss

With new networks, packet loss is quite a common occurrence. However, the problem cannot be blamed solely on congestion. Other factors may also be responsible such as damaged cables, hardware issues, faulty memory, and hardware issues. The process of recovery may be extremely time-consuming. In these situations, a TCP technology may be immensely helpful. Solutions like these have the ability to hasten the recovery process. Simultaneously the time taken for reaching bandwidth is minimized to a significant extent.

Taking a sensible approach

You should make a careful selection of the company which has expertise in wan optimization solutions. Do not forget to inquire about the pricing structure. Choose a company that is well known for its optimization products and can provide you the products at reasonable rates. The available products should be easy to use. Take a close look at the website to know about the available solutions. You should make sure that the company you select has exceptional customer service support. The executives should be there to answer your queries promptly.


Types of way to Optimize WAN: Best WAN Optimization Solutions

You must be knowing that the process of WAN optimization enables you to prioritize particular parts of the network for receiving more bandwidth. It helps you to accelerate critical data processing tasks. It saves time for your projects. But you must aim to increase the efficiency of the network system. You need to save even more tie and lower the operating costs.




What is WAN

The full-form if WAN is ‘wide area network.’ It spans a massive geographical area. If you have a business that needs to connect to various clients and branch offices in a specific area, you use WAN. It helps you to speed up the critical network sections of the system. Sometimes, you experience a slowdown in network performance. It may happen due to a lack of any improvement mechanism in WAN. You can accomplish improving the WAN with physical changes or logical tuning of your network. You need a high-standard wan optimizer to do the task. It considerably raises the performance bar of the system.

Importance of optimizing WAN

You might be pondering about the significance of a wan optimizer concerning your network’s performance. With each passing year, the incidence of cloud computing usage is rapidly increasing. The application of network-wide advanced technologies is also on the rise. Your WAN receives more voluminous traffic that makes optimization a quintessential requirement. If you don’t focus on WAN optimization, the chances of facing network slowdowns are high. It can be a significant technical bottleneck for your system. The issue will affect network performance.

Managing the traffic

 You must proactively manage the volume of the traffic, addressing its complexity. If you don’t focus on improving the process, you will face difficulty with your file manager. The workers in your company may take a lot of time to access important files. It can also affect the interconnectivity of various tools and devices.

A list of methods 

It is high time that you become well-aware of the techniques that optimizes the WAN. When you know about the different methods, you will be able to improve the performance of the network. You will be in a better position to avoid technical glitches. The quality of interconnectivity between numerous devices, equipment, and gadgets of your business will markedly improve. The below list concisely puts forward some methods that can help you to optimize WAN.

Traffic shaping 

You prioritize traffic originating from specific networks. You also provide that traffic with higher bandwidth. The process is traffic shaping. You also prevent particular applications in using bandwidth through ring-fencing or bandwidth allocation strategies.

Data compression 

You reduce the data size. Resultantly, you can control its impression on the bandwidth.

Data caching

You need to earmark the used data for local hosting purposes. It will allow you to access it faster.

Data deduplication 

You send data references or links, avoiding multiple copies of the data through the network.

Streamlining data protocols

In this process, you bundle multiple requests from applications. It allows fewer requests to pass through the network.

Apply a suitable method

Identify the technical drawbacks of your network and apply the method that best suits your business.



With business-driven SD-WAN, experience multiplier effect on cloud investments

Any business that is SD-WAN driven is indeed one of the best solutions. That is because it can cruise through technical evaluation, winning professional recommendations easily. You can completely trust the wide-area network’s future to a private enterprise. Most companies that provide such technologies face this seemingly almost in each account despite consistently winning bakeoffs and product evaluations. However, great companies have to prove the fact that it is not risky at all in choosing private platforms for building the wide-area network of the next generation. Unlike other competitors present in the market, renowned organizations bring about unique differentiators. These differentiators must be considered necessary when you are looking at additional benefits of a software-defined wide-area network.

wan optimization solutions

Solving the issue of “the first mile”

In the current times, it is all about SLA applications across the web and the massive hindrance to consistent performance of the demand for the SaaS applications. This roadblock leverages the break-out at branches, is the performance of internet circuits to the nearest backbone of the internet from an office. A leading Sd wan optimization company has a prove and long history of offering packet loss solutions, out-of-order packets, and congestion. By fully automating processes over the subpar networks and bonding the tunnels, the companies make it a lot easier for enterprises. They make it easier for moving off of expensive and private MPLS circuits to all-broadband wide-area network.

Delivering multiplier effect on the ongoing and existing investments 

In essence, the companies are insurance policies for the expensive applications of Saas that are deployed in the future and today. For a fraction of expenditure that you make, you can easily ensure that all the Saas applications are running at peak performance. This Sd wan optimization is inclusive of video and voice over broadband with the SLAs you gain abilities to retire the legacy firewalls and branch routers, increase advanced security, and automate everything. That is because you gain the freedom of selecting best-of-breed partners without making any compromise.

Orchestration and automation 

Adaptive and centralized orchestration enables continuous control and self-learning for ensuring ongoing alignment with the intent of the business. If performance in network changes, there is an addition of new links, IaaS providers or SaaS applications make the changes, or new PoPs cloud security get added. The optimization companies learn this, continuously, and automatically adapt. This self-learning and adaptive solution of learning automatically addresses changes without any disruption for assuring productivity of users. That is because applications do not become sluggish or break because of poor performances. This act translates into a competitive differentiation, the richness of a higher kind from the employees. And finally, also translates into higher revenue because enterprises continue normal operations even under less unsuitable conditions.

Future-proof platform 

The leading companies are dedicated to delivering the wide-area network of future and today. This is everything they do as they believe that unless their SD-WAN, has not reached the height of success, they have not made their mark. This is why the companies are trying their best to innovate continuously and enable a wide-area network that is “best-of-the-breed.”


What Is WAN Optimization And Why Do You Need It

As technology is advancing day by day the dependency of enterprises on IT, cloud computing and central servers are also increasing exponentially. But with this increasing dependency, the load of traffic over the network especially in case of large enterprises is increasing. Large enterprises having offices in various locations mainly depends on a central server scheme and cloud-based services for an agile and accurate database. But increasing traffic, redundancies are issues the lag in WAN network raises. Till date bandwidth came as a hot pick and increasing its speed became an easy solution for all WAN issues. Even today most of the providers compete with each other in quest of providing cheaper bandwidth rates with faster speed. However, in reality, speeding up the bandwidth ultimately doesn’t help in solving the WAN redundancy issues. And this is where the need for WAN connection management comes.

wan optimization solutions

How does WAN optimization help?

WAN or wide area network is a large geographical area which is connected with the help of multiple local area networks. WAN is mainly used in large enterprises where there is a heavy reliance on central servers and cloud computing etc. But with increasing burden various WAN optimization network issues arise. Here are two of the biggest contributing factors in WAN network issues.

  • Latency

This indicates the back-and-forth data transmission which occurs from numerous chatty apps, various protocols relying on single servers, etc. In the worst-case scenario even a simple transaction request for WAN optimization can lead to 20 to 1200 ms latency per single file

  • TCP window

Always remember that incoherently adding up bandwidth isn’t going to help you with the WAN optimization and its performance. The TCP window limits the throughput window and thus even if increased bandwidth can give you more area to handle transactions. Ultimately the due to restricted TCP windows the transactions can take place through smaller windows thus ending up slowing the process.

Features of WAN optimization software

The best and most feasible way of managing your network latency and redundancy is by using WAN accelerating software offered by leading global IT agencies. Such software are not only easy in handling but have a comprehensive effect in fixing major WAN issues. Here are few of the features of such software

  • Helps in packet loss recovery

Packet loss refers to the loss of packets of data when they are in transit across a network. Recovering from packet loss and forward error correction helps in improving data reliability, quality and also it improves the function and accelerates the data quality.

  • De-duplication

De-duplication is a process of eliminating repetitive data. Universal de-duplication helps in removing de-duplicated bytes irrespective of their sources.

  • Accelerates TCP

As mentioned with limited TCP there is no point in increasing bandwidths. Optimization software does help in improving TCP

  • Improved quality of services

Marking and traffic shaping helps in prioritizing the more important traffic. Thus the most important bandwidth-intensive traffic gets the highest priority in this optimization program.

To conclude, downloading and setting up of WAN optimization software alleviates your network speed, reduces redundancy while prioritizing your business traffic. So contact leading global IT firms now for their software.

wan optimization products